Human body nourishing therapy

Human Body Nourishing Therapy

The effect of negative oxygen ions on human body nourishing therapy


The effect of negative oxygen ions on human body nourishing therapy

1. Improve the function of NK cells, the natural killer against cancer cell activity, and inhibit the generation and mutation of cancer cells;

2. Inhibit the generation of colorless trienes, so that allergies and inflammatory symptoms of the body are less likely to occur;

3. Activate the tissue cells, enhance immunity, help maintain the body's health level;

4. Make the cell metabolism flourish, improve its natural healing power, effectively stop the aging of cells and the organism;

5. Make the accumulated wastes or toxins in the body and the substances that cause nerve and muscle pain (weak acid), etc. to be rapidly broken down, and eliminate pain and fatigue.


Why we can provide 100% pure negative oxygen ion


Why we can provide 100% pure negative oxygen ion

Pure Planet® Sleep Breath Microenvironment System

Applicable scenarios


Sleep Centers


Nursing Homes


Sleep SPAs


Hospitals (psychiatric) Homes


High-end Hotels